July event promises to be engaging for all TAG Digital Health is hosting a panel event in July over the topic of Patient Engagement asking the question, “How can healthcare providers leverage patient engagement technology to develop trust with their patients in the digital health journey?” This event guarantees to stir up an intelligent debate and discussion by the four panelists selected to participate. When? July 28th from 7:30 to 9:15 AM Where? Georgia Tech Pediatric Technology Center – 950 Atlantic Dr. NW Atlanta, GA 30332 Register here: https://bit.ly/TAG-DH728 What is Patient Engagement? Patient engagement combines both a patient’s ability to manage his or her own health care as well as their willingness to take preventative steps to reduce health issues. Many patients rely solely on their care providers for managing their health but that requires personalized attention, which can be challenging for providers. What those providers are trying to communicate to them is that they have the tools and the resources to manage a lot of their health on their own. We sat down with the head of this event, Maurice Rosenbaum, to discuss what attendees could expect to hear at this event. Maurice outlined that patient engagement is one of the broadest topics in the healthcare industry. “How patient engagement looks varies from industry to industry within healthcare. Someone on the health insurance side could say ‘Well here is what we want our patients to be able to do’ versus someone on the academia side might be working with a family to self-monitor a chronic disease. By bringing these great speakers together, attendees will get the opportunity to hear how patient engagement technology is making a difference across all sectors of healthcare,” said Rosenbaum. Building Trust Rosenbaum added that although the panel discussion will center mostly on the broad topic of patient engagement, another aspect of this event is the discussion of trust within digital healthcare. The TAG Digital Health Ecosystem has 66 companies just in Georgia that have a version of a patient engagement component. “The topic of trust was incorporated into the discussion because when thinking about the pandemic and the cybersecurity attacks we hear about often, a general feeling of distrust between consumers and the healthcare industry has crept in. This is something that needs to be overcome, and digital patient engagement is a great tool to help providers do just that.” Panelists at the event At the event, attendees can expect to hear from four panelists all with different backgrounds and moderator, Robert Patrick – COO of PracticeTek. The advantage of having the panelists with backgrounds in different aspects of healthcare is that many viewpoints will be brought to the debate: